Lyn Prashant, PhD. FT. IGT.
- Lyn Prashant, PhD, Fellow in Thanatology, Integrative Grief Therapist, End of Life Practitioner, Somatic Healthcare Psychologist Counselor, Instructor, Professor, Presenter
- Founder: Counseling and Educational Director of Degriefing®: Integrative Grief Therapy
- Founder: “Escuela Eco-Somatica,” International School of Well Being
- Fluent in Spanish
Professional Therapeutic Practice
- Grief Counselor, certified 1994-presently counsels individuals, families and professional groups
- Massage Therapist/Teacher, certified 1981-presently: individuals/teaches classes, Oncology Massage Therapist
- Yoga Instructor, certified 1996-presently teaches individual sessions and classes
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction instructor, 2009
- Association of Death Education & Counseling: Fellow in Thanatology
- Instructor: Integrated Medical Education Program, California Pacific Medical Center
- Mentor: to Graduate Students in Psychology and Integrative Medicine
Educational Presentations and Seminars
- Transforming Our Relationship to Loss: “Adapting to a New Normal” Simcha UJW Cape Town SA. Online ‘21
- “My Life w. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & Stephen Levine,” Presentation SMA.MX/EKR Center Online 2021
- Jenny Dilts, Grief Professional Interviews Program. What is Degriefing: IGT? Recorded Online 2021
- CIIS SF. International Training Program. Transforming Grief with Integrative Modalities. Online 2021
- Life and Death of West Mathewson.TV Interview/Documentary. JulioRodriguesRosaFrascino. Brazil TV 2020
- “Maintaining Wellness in a Quarantined World” TRANSFORMING GRIEF . SHIFT HAPPENS. Online 2020
- “Transforming Grief in a Quarantined World ”Center for Spiritual Living Peninsula CSLP, Online 2020
- Transforming Personal Grief in 2020- Public Library, Free Presentation ,San Miguel de Allende, MX, 2020
- Degriefing: DAY of the DEAD, Cultural Event. Certification Training Intensive, San Miguel de Allende, MX. 2019
- Grief in the Workplace. Bi-lingual Grief Counseling with Staff and Admin. La Victoria Lab, Lima, Peru 2019
- Working with an Addicts Grief: Avery Lane Women’s Rehabilitation Center;, Novato, CA 2019
- Women’s Sunday Mini-Grief Retreat Exploration of unresolved issues of loss. Corte Madera, CA 2019
- Transforming Somatic Grief-Personally/Professionally Behavioral Health Staff Training, Santa Clara, CA 2019
- Degriefing Our Community- Public Library Free Presentation, San Miguel de Allende, MX, 2019
- Meditation and the Art of Transforming Grief, Floatsano Clinic, Sn Miguel de Allende, MX 2019
- Degriefing: Integrative Grief Therapy, 40 Hr. Certification Training Intensive, San Miguel de Allende, MX. 2018
- Transforming Grief for Patients and Staff, Duffy’s Rehabilitation Center, Calistoga, CA 2018
- Transforming Grief for Professional Addiction Specialists. WAAT Group. Corte Madera, CA 2018
- Presentation: Working with Grief in a Gerontology Practice. San Francisco State University, 2018
- Somatic Aspects of Grief, Public Library , Free Presentation, San Miguel de Allende, MX, 2018
- Degriefing: Integrative Grief Therapy, 40 Hr. Certification Training Intensive, San Miguel de Allende, MX. 2017
- “Loss, Grief, Bereavement in the Clinically/Socially. C0mmunity Health Care Professionals, Cape Town, SA 2017
- ADEC #39 Conf. “Feeding the Bereaved” Balancing the Somatic Aspects of Grief with Nutrition, Port. OR 2017
- Transforming Grief: A Day of Honoring Our Losses, Bodysong School, Novato CA May 13, 2017
- Behavioral Health Staff Training, Santa Clara, CA April 19, 2017
- Holocaust Center of Cape Town, UJW/Degriefing fundraiser: Transforming Somatic Grief Dec. 5, 2016
- Holocaust Center of Cape Town, Administration/Staff Training: Transforming Somatic Grief, Oct. 2016
- St. Luke’s Hospice, Cape Town, South Africa, Degriefing Training Hospice Staff and Volunteers, Jan 2014/16
- IGT Certification Training, San Anselmo, CA. October 2013
- Grief Relief TV: Palo Alto Public Access; Transforming Spousal Grief, May 25th 2013
- University of CA. Berkeley, Class Transforming Somatic Grief, May 4 & 5th, 2013, S.F., CA
- 35th ADEC Conference, Counseling Hispanics, Yoga as a Tool for Transforming Grief, Los Angeles, 2013
- 34th Conference, Healing Hearts: Degriefing Communities, Atlanta, March 2012
- Keynote Speaker for the Mourning Conference, San Francisco Presidio, CA 2012
- ADEC 33rd Conference, Living with My Dying Husband at the Living Dying Project, June 23, 2011
- Professional Seminar:Degriefing Hands-On Medical Professionals. Feb/May’10
- Open to Hope.com Foundation Healing the Grieving Heart Radio show. Interview Guest. October 2009
- *Association of Death Education and Counseling, Annual Conf. Presentation ‘Caregiver’s Quest for Healing” 2008
- Healing Our Hearts: Degriefing Our Community Raton, N.Mexico, 5 Day Community Degriefing, November 2008
- Schimmick Construction Co., SF, Sunset Resovoir Retrofit, Industrial Death, Crisis/Grief Team Coordinator 2008
- California Pacific Medical Center, Presentation Caregiver’s Quest for Healing: Preventing Burnout Sept.2007
- Degriefing Certification Training, Level 2, October 2006
- Degriefing for Bodyworkers, Certification Training September 2006
- Kara Organization, Good Grief, Stanford Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, June 9th ,2006
- ABC Radio, KGO San Francisco, CA, Karel Show Live Interview, May 2005
- Raton, New Mexico, Miners Colfax Medical Center, Degriefing Seminar for Staff, December 2004
- Degriefing National Certification Trainings, Marin County CA, May 2004, Feb 05, Oct 05, Oct. 06,Oct. 08 May 09
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota: “Degriefing in the Workplace” presentation, May 2003,
- Mayo Clinic Keynote Speaker 12th Annual National Alzheimer’s Conference Nov. 2005, Rochester MN
- University of Arizona: Extended University, Tucson, AZ 2001-2002 Touring Seminar Presenter
- Alive and Well: Institute of Bodywork-2000, 2001,2003,2005 Teaching Staff Degriefing for Bodyworkers
- University of California, Berkeley CA course for health care professionals:
- —Changing Paradigms in Loss and Grief for the New Millenium, Somatic Aspects of Grief, 2000-2014
Academic Programs of Study
- Justice Resource Institute; Training in Trauma Sensitive Yoga/Counseling: adults/kids Boston, MA ‘15
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mt. Madonna Center, 2009
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Practicum, Bob Stahl, MBSR 2008
- Graduate School of Psychology, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA-Grief Counseling certification program
- Sivananda Vedanta Yoga Center, Grass Valley CA-Teacher Training Certification
- Stephen/Ondrea Levine workshops, Oakland CA-program coordinator (bodywork), instructor, somatic therapist
- Lymphatic Massage and Visceral Palpation, Level 1-2 with Pat Wiltse
- Deep Tissue and Soft Tissue Mobilization workshops, classes with Kim Santa/Dr. James Mally
- International School of Massage Therapy (I.S.M.T.)
- Swedish Massage certification class with Joseph Marszal, Judith Meskill
- Anatomy/Physiology certification class with Carl Hangee-Bauer
- Conscious Living-Conscious Dying-intensive/workshops with Stephen and Ondrea Levine
- Life/Death Transition Workshop-intensive/workshop and private studies with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Related Business Experience
- “Escuela Eco-Somatica”, Founder, San Miguel de Allende, GTO.,MX.
- Nisimo Spa Holistica, & Escuela Eco-Somatica, Punta Del Este, Uruguay, S.A.–
- —-Program Creator, Director, Bi-lingual Trainer, General Operations Manager 1994-1996
- Research, Practice and Personal Stories: Sibling Loss Across the Lifespan. Routledge (2016).
- Techniques of Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the Bereaved, Routledge, (2012)
- “Degriefing Caregiver Burden” Techniques in Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the
- Bereaved, Dr. Robert Neimeyer editor, (Routledge, NY 2012)
- Grief as Grist, Massage and Bodywork Magazine, August 2006
- Grief and Degrief, Massage and Bodywork Magazine, Dec/Jan-September 2002: Degriefing 4-Part series
Public Seminars, Lectures and Workshops
- One of the best ways to learn more about the Integrative Grief Therapy: Degriefing Process is to see Lyn speak in public. Whether you’re a professional health care worker, experiencing grief, or know someone who is, there is an Integrative Grief Therapy course offering tailored just for you.
- In 1999 Lyn Prashant wrote the curriculum and taught the class on “Changing Paradigms in Loss and Grief for the New Century” with an adept professional team at University of California Berkeley. Lyn now travels internationally, teaching ‘The Somatic Aspects of Grief”.
Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley discuss with Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk and Dr. Lyn Prashant “The Body Keeps Score”
“Our cultural message is not to cry or display our emotions. We all know that this stoic behavior is unnatural and that we feel better when we cry. The release is physical. There are real biochemical changes that go on when we cry. However, if we do not experience a release, the body will remember the event. And storing that grief is taxing and unhealthy”